
Cleaning a house is not that easy. It's a real art, and you can learn it! By looking on the internet, you will be able to find a lot of training on this. More than you think!

The reason is simple; there is a real way to clean a house properly and quickly. You may not know it, but there are a few tips that professionals use to clean homes.

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Here we have compiled the seven best tips for cleaning your home like a pro!

1. The cleaning finish

It's a very silly thing but very powerful. In fact, you have to understand that in addition to cleaning a room, it must "look" clean. It is as important as the cleaning itself.

You can spend an hour cleaning everything without being able to give that impression. It's very simple, it's related to the organization of objects in the room.

Take the kitchen, for example. If all the objects are scattered, it will give the impression of having been poorly cleaned (when it is not).

You need to lay the objects on the inner edges so that they are parallel. This way, you will create straight lines which are very pleasing to the human eye. This is the finish of the cleaning.


2. Top to bottom, left to right

The second trick is to clean a room from top to bottom and left to right. When we clean, we tend to clean everything without necessarily thinking.

If you apply this technique, top to bottom and left to right, you will quickly notice a change.

By cleaning from top to bottom, you'll knock dust and dirt down. So if you are cleaning your kitchen, don't start by cleaning your countertop, but rather start with the cupboard above to knock out the crumbs.

Cleaning from left to right helps you avoid forgetting things that haven't been cleaned.

3. Wait a minute!

In a lot of TV commercials, it looks like you spray on something, wipe up right away, and the dirt is gone. But it doesn't work like that!

It is imperative to let the product act a minimum time for it to be effective. It's like coloring the hair; you don't soak it in the products for a few seconds. It is not instantaneous. Wait a bit, and you will have an impeccable result!


4. “S” cleaning

When we clean, we often tend to clean by making circles. This is how they do it on TV! But that's not the most efficient way to clean.

By doing this, you take the dirt, move it, and put it back in the same place or in another place. You do a lot for very little.

Cleaning in S changes everything. You start at the top right corner, wipe all the way to the left and then zigzag back down slowly each time. Guaranteed results!

5. Pull out the vacuum cleaner gently

Pushing the vacuum cleaner forward is all about putting it in the right position. It is by pulling it back that it will remove what is on the ground. So, pull out the vacuum cleaner gently next time.

6. Have everything with you

Before cleaning a room, take all the cleaning tools with you and place them in the center of the space you are going to clean.

Many people go back and forth between different rooms to pick up the products they need. It's a waste of time; you have to have a strategy to clean your house as fast as possible.

7. The magic solution to make windows shine

A teaspoon of cornstarch to a cup of white vinegar and a cup of water yields amazing results.

The secret ingredient is cornstarch, a perfect natural abrasive that removes dirt and leaves a streak-free shine.